Register a Non-Profit
The perfect company structure for sports clubs and community organisations, it's quick and easy to register your Non-Profit company with Duport.
Start your Non-ProfitWhat is a Non-Profit?
Non-Profit Companies are businesses registered with Companies House, which put all profits back into the organisation. This is the key difference between Non-Profits and Charities, which disperse funds for their Charitable Aims.
Non-Profits are also known as Companies Limited by Guarantee, and instead of Shareholders you have Guarantors. Guarantors must “guarantee” a fixed sum to the company, which is the extent of their liability should the Non-Profit incur any debts.
As this type of company cannot make a profit, it also has no tax liability. Guarantors and Directors are not able to take dividends, although they can be employed by the Non-Profit and take a salary.
Non-Profits must set out Aims & Objectives which explain where funds will be directed. For example, the promotion of a political cause, the upkeep of a building, or the provision of facilities for a sports team.
Key Considerations
No profits
All profits must be put back into the organisation as set out in your Aims & Objectives
Tax exempt
As all profits are directed back into the organisation, Non-Profits do not pay tax
More paperwork
Non-Profits must file annual accounts and a confirmation statement with Companies House
Public registration
Director and Guarantor details are listed at Companies House, although you can keep addresses private with additional services
Limited liability
Liabilities are limited to the initial guarantee made by each Guarantor
How it works
Starting a Non-Profit can be a little complex, but not when you use Duport. We make it simple with a quick and easy registration process, and help with setting out your Aims & Objectives.
Register in under 5 minutes
Our registration process is so straightforward, with no complex questions to trip you up
Get help with your Aims & Objectives
Duport can help you write your Aims & Objectives, with expert guidance so you get it right
Set up your FREE Business Account
Non-Profits must have their own account, and Duport's partners can provide yours for free
Duport complete your registration
We check over and submit your details to Companies House for a successful registration
Receive your documentation
You'll be sent your Company Number, Incorporation Certificate, Memorandum and Articles of Association

Start your business the right way with Duport
The Duport service goes way beyond registration, and that makes a big difference when you're forming a Non-Profit company, which can be a bit more complex.
We've helped hundreds of not-for-profit companies get started, providing expert advice and services that really make a difference, such as helping you write your Aims & Objectives.
When you choose Duport you get:
- Quick & easy online registration
- Specialist advice for Non-Profits
- Support from our friendly team of experts
- Services to help your organisation develop
Because we know how it all works, we can help you set up the right way, and get your organisation flourishing.
Get Started
Packages start from £91.99
It's quick and easy to get your Non-Profit up and running with our online registration process. We'll help you through all the steps so that you can get your new business started, and we'll be here to help you as you grow.
Register your new businessGet access to ExclusiveServices
Starting your not for profit company is so much more than just registration. With Duport you can also get access to exclusive services and optional extras, from keeping your personal details off the public register, to setting up a free business account for your Non-Profit.

Service address
Domain services
Registered office
Accountancy services
Banking options
Popular FAQs
Still have questions? Here are the answers to some of the most common questions people ask about Non-Profits
If you plan to put all earnings back into the organisation, and want to ensure that Directors are protected from any liability, this could be the right option for you.
Non-Profit companies are a popular choice for sports teams and clubs, residents’ associations and community organisations.
Directors of Non-Profits need to be at least 16 years of age, you cannot be an undischarged bankrupt, and you must not currently be disqualified as a Director.
To register your Non-Profit company you will need to provide the following details:
- As the person setting up the business, you will need to provide your:
- Phone number
- Email address
- All Directors and Guarantors will need to provide their:
- Full name
- Occupation
- Current address
- Date of birth
- Nationality
- Security question & answer
- Your business name
- The address of your business
If you want to keep your business address, or the addresses of any Directors or Guarantors off the public register, you can use our Service Address and Registered Office Address services.
IDs of all Directors and Guarantors will be checked electronically, but in some cases we may need to request further proof of ID or address.
- As the person setting up the business, you will need to provide your:
Not-for-Profit companies need to have their own account for business finances.
If you register with Duport, you can get a free business account as part of the process.
Non-Profit companies have annual filing requirements with both Companies House and HMRC. These include:
- Confirmation Statement
- Statutory Accounts
- Balance Sheet
- Profit & Loss Account
If you don’t want to spend your time and energy keeping on top of all your financial and filing requirements, Duport have a range of Accountancy services that can manage it all for you.
If you are using a personal address as your Registered Office, or want to keep the addresses of Directors and Guarantors private, then you can use Duport’s Service Address and Registered Office Address service to keep these details off the public register.
Yes, you can register from outside the UK, but you will need a UK Registered Office. If you don’t have a suitable address for this, you can use Duport’s Registered Office service.
You can cancel your order at any point. Refunds will only be issued if you have not accessed any of your purchased services.
Your right to a refund is waived if:
- Your registration has been submitted to Companies House
- OR
- You have requested or viewed any digital ebooks or reports included in your purchase
Your initial registration is a one-off service. However your package may include services that do need to be renewed annually. These can include:
- Service Address and Registered Office Address services
- Domain & hosting services
- Accountancy services

Need some help?
If you need a little advice on the best options for you, or have a question that's not in our FAQ, Duport's expert team are here to help. Give us a call during office hours or email us any time and we'll help you out.
Mon to Fri 09:00-17:00
0117 950 2667Email any time