What is a Registered Office?
A registered office is the address to which all your official documents can be sent and are guaranteed to be seen by the director(s) of the company.
What are the requirements for a registered office address?
Your registered office must be a geographical location that can be visited – you can’t use a PO Box number. It should also be in the country that your company is registered in, so companies registered at Companies House Edinburgh should have a registered office in Scotland. If your company is registered with Companies House Cardiff, then your registered office should be in England or Wales.
Can my home address be my registered office address?
Lots of business like to use their home address as their registered office. If you are not the owner of your property, you should check your tenancy agreement to make sure that you are permitted to use the address for business purposes.
I don’t have a suitable address – what should I do?
Some people want to keep their home address out of public records, are not allowed to use it for business purposes, or are forming a company from overseas and don’t have a suitable address within the UK.
For people in these situations, Duport offers a registered office service, which allows you to use our registered address for your company. For more information on this service, click here.