Also included: Dedicated business account

Keep your business finances in order with a dedicated business account that includes an easy setup, low fees and offers loyalty rewards or cashback too.
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- Low fees and flexible pricing
- Loyalty rewards or cashback
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Popular FAQs
Still have questions? Here are the answers to some of the most common questions people ask about Charities
If you plan to put all earnings towards your charitable aims this could be the right option for you, especially if you plan to register with the Charity Commission.
Directors of Charities need to be at least 16 years of age, you cannot be an undischarged bankrupt, and you must not currently be disqualified as a Director.
To register your Charity you will need to provide the following details:
- As the person setting up the business, you will need to provide your:
- Phone number
- Email address
- All Directors and Trustees will need to provide their:
- Full name
- Occupation
- Current address
- Date of birth
- Nationality
- Security question & answer
- Your Charity name
- The address of your Charity
If you want to keep your Charity’s address, or the addresses of any Directors or Trustees off the public register, you can use our Service Address and Registered Office Address services.
IDs of all Directors and Trustees will be checked electronically, but in some cases we may need to request further proof of ID or address.
- As the person setting up the business, you will need to provide your:
Charities need to have their own account for their finances.
If you register with Duport, you can get a free business account as part of the process.
Charities have annual filing requirements with both Companies House and HMRC. These include:
- Confirmation Statement
- Statutory Accounts
- Balance Sheet
- Profit & Loss Account
If you don’t want to spend your time and energy keeping on top of all your financial and filing requirements, Duport have a range of Accountancy services that can manage it all for you.
If you are using a personal address as your Registered Office, or want to keep the addresses of Directors and Trustee private, then you can use Duport’s Service Address and Registered Office Address service to keep these details off the public register.
Yes, you can register from outside the UK, but you will need a UK Registered Office. If you don’t have a suitable address for this, you can use Duport’s Registered Office service.
You can cancel your order at any point. Refunds will only be issued if you have not accessed any of your purchased services.
Your right to a refund is waived if:
- Your registration has been submitted to Companies House
- OR
- You have requested or viewed any digital ebooks or reports included in your purchase
Your initial registration is a one-off service. However your package may include services that do need to be renewed annually. These can include:
- Service Address and Registered Office Address services
- Domain & hosting services
- Accountancy services
Charities do not necessarily need to register with the Charities Commission, although it is recommended.
If your Charity’s annual income is above £5,000 you will be required to register with the Charity Commission.
You will need to if you wish to describe yourself as a “Registered Charity” and use a Registered Charity Number.